I first received golf lessons from Dane Mackenzie several years ago at Cardinal Golf near Newmarket in Ontario. I had been playing the game, or perhaps hacking my way around the place would be a better description, for about 15 years prior to this. I decided that if I ever really wanted to put myself in the position of playing to a higher level, then proper tuition was urgently needed. Like a lot of golfers, I had gone out and purchased numerous DVDs, books and coaching aids, listened to the "your head was up" brigade of amateur instructors, but nothing seemed to improve my game, and in some ways they became more of a hindrance than a benefit. This is where Dane stepped in....
There are a great number of golf instructors out there with excellent technical skills, but unfortunately not all possess the ability to either get their point across or put their students at ease while learning a sport that can leave you more than a little frustrated with the game, not to mentionyour self-confidence. I had approached a number of instructors over the years but ultimately I could never seem to progress or apply what they had been trying to get me to do. I would never blame them for this, as it was just a case of not finding the right match for my needs.
Prior to commencing lessons, Dane talked with me about how I viewed my game and what my expectations were going forward. He immediately made me feel at ease and gave me a sense of hope that I should, with his guidance and hard practice, be able to get to a point where I would be playing a technically better game of golf and also learning to enjoy my time while on the course.
Well folks, several years later I find myself not only enjoying every minute that I'm out there playing, but my game has improved in leaps and bounds. Just getting into the habit of applying the correct fundamentals was not a simple task for me, but with Dane's persistence and devotion to his profession I ultimately achieved what I set out to do.
I still hit the occasional snowman, but as Dane taught me, learn from your mistakes, think back on the fundamentals and make the next shot count. Before working with him
I would regularly shoot in the 100's, but within a few years I was hitting in the low 80's on a regular basis. I'll never be a scratch golfer but my only regret is not teaming up with Dane earlier. He worked wonders with my game and I would like to think he could do the same for you.
I whole heartedly recommend Dane for any of you who really want to see their game improve and discover what a fun and enjoyable sport this game of golf can be.Sincerley,
John Beard
Newmarket, Ontario
I had been an avid golfer since the age of 14. It wasn't until one of my good friends Dane Mackenzie started teaching me in my early 20's that I started to see improvement in my game. Whether it was at the range or on the course he was willing to help me. After a month I started to see a drastic improvement in both my driving and short game. If it wasn't for his help I'd surly be still looking for my ball in the woods. But with his time and effort I went from a beginner to an above average player. I'm thankful that I was able to have him not only as my coach but as my friend. I have taken lessons from other instructors but I usually left my lessons with too many swing thoughts running through my mind and I was unable to improve. He simplifies the golf swing and makes the game easy and fun.
Christoper Johnson
Calgary, Alberta
I wanted to write to you and thank you for your golf lessons. Never in my life have I met a person who made my learning experience so enjoyable. Your tips, tricks, and pointers have helped my game so much. I'm shooting more birdies and pars then I ever have. Because of your lessons I have been able to even teach some of my friend's and get them involved in golf. I really think if it wasn't for your lessons I wouldn't be playing golf today. After so many frustrating years you have made golf exciting and fun!!
Thanks you so much for everything. I would gladly recommend your service to anyone, just send them my way.Tyler Stevens
Toronto, Ontario
Thank you for the great service you provided.
I believe the kids had a great time at your facility. I also noticed a lot of different things happening up on the golf range which I thought were pretty significant in developing their golf skills. Dane has a lot of great ideas and kept the kids focused and challenged (they love a challenge!). Thank you for the great experience.
P.S: I LOVE the volley ball courts.
Fredericton, New Brunswick